Martin Wild, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Kinnovis joins us for episode 13 of Chatterbox - AI in Action: All-in-One Software Solutions for Self Storage.

Kinnovis is an all-encompassing software solution for indoor and outdoor self storage businesses, which includes a booking platform, website and a customer portal to streamline operations. It beneficial for both small storage operators and larger corporations with multiple sites, and it integrates with access control providers for ultimate security.

The company is leading the way within the software space across the UK and Europe, offering multi-language support to its customers. All development work is undertaken in-house, and there is an expert team of project managers to help clients successfully onboard to the system.

One its key features is JaneGPT, an AI chatbot that uses a range of data and information in the system to deliver a tailored customer service experience.

Other talking points include:

  • The process to onboard new and existing storage operators
  • Usability and the customer experience
  • Business performance reporting
  • How the UK self storage sector differs from international markets
  • Connecting an existing website to the Kinnovis platform
  • Adding site plans and units to the system

Here are the links to view or listen to episode 13 on the following platforms:





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